
Article sur Pierrette Lambert
la dessinatrice de billets de Banque
et de Timbres Postaux

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A la rencontre de Pierrette Lambert,
une artiste peintre hors du commun


La Dessinatrice des Billets de Banque

Artist for the Bank of France
+ de 1300 Timbres Postaux

Les Quatres Saisons
Her Exposition
Grand prize for philatélic Art for the following stamps:
1963 10 F, Tridacna squamosa (Shell), French Somali coast;
1963 100 F, Children’s charter, Monaco ;
1967 0,30 F + 0,05 F, 50th anniversary of the Verdun Victory, France ;
1969 100 F, His Holiness Paul VI at the United Nations, Republic of Upper Volta;
1974 500 F, Saint Teresa and the child Jesus , Central African Republic;
1975 1,20 F, Year of International Woman’s day, Monaco ;
1976 1,15 F, Saint Year, Monaco ;
1991 2,50 F, Gaston Fébus, France.
Robert Stolz Prize:
1986 6 F, Jean-Sébastien Bach and Georges Frédéric Haendel, Monaco ;
1988 5 F, Berlioz and Mozart, Monaco.
World conference of State Printers – Rotogravure first Prize:
1989 5 F, Pieta of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, France.
Autumn Philatelic Salon:
1972 Jean Goujon Prize ;
1981 Jacques Callot Prize.
1969 Knighted by the Monaco Order of Culturel Merit, Monaco ;
1987 Knighted by the National Order of Merit, France ;
1988 Officer of the Grimaldi Order of Monaco, Monaco ;
2014 Knighted by the Order of Arts and Letters – Bank of France.
« Who has not known those magical hours (…) when the azur sky sinks into an infinite abyss, when sounds ring musically , when colors speak and perfumes tell a world of ideas ? Well, paintings (…) seem to me to be the spirit’s interpreatation of those fanciful days. Paintings are draped in intensity and priviledged in their splendor. Like nature perceived by extra-sensitive nerves, paintings reveal the supernatural »
Charles Baudelaire, 1855
Pierrette LAMBERT
Born in Orches in 1928, I received a gift during my childhood, the gift of being able to hear the palpitations of the earth, of feeling the vibrations of nature, of flotting in a universe of dreams.
I was a child and I drew the cosmos of which I dreamed : every detail, every element came to life through the point of my colored pencils. I felt nature come to life for a second time in my miniatures : the coolness of the wind, the warmth of the light, the perfume of the flowers. I lived in search of that fantastical and intimate world of peace.
The war arrived, bringing it’s dramas, it’s nightmared that reeked of death. It was through Art that I was able to liberate myself and to feel once again a breathe of life. The blank space of my canvases filled themselves with hope and beauty, between utopia and reality, so that my universe could resume life.
1957 was the year of my artistic success, when I exhibited in Paris, then Châtellerault, miniatures that I’d detailed with precision and finesse onto ivory. It was on that occasion that the Bank of France discovered my work and sought to launch a collaboration. The opportunity opened doors to a new medium : postal stamps. With my talent recognized, all I had to do was glorify the world that I wished to represent through my artist’s eye.
Unfortunately in 1994, I lost my right eye during an operation. Doubt took hold of me : would I ever see the light of the sky, the sun, flowers, the beings of this earth ? My soul wandered… and slipped into the depths of darkest night. However my artistic, if raw, passion was only brighter for it.
Even now, my hands romanticize my thoughts and transforment them into fantasies on my canvas. I pour my strength into nature, that magnifies itself with wonders. Soon, the day will withdraw it’s last rays of light ; my soul will never cease the be thankful for this gift.